A monthly newsletter about the worlds of accessibility and disability.

My name is Dean (Buster) Frank Reynolds (yes, really). I’m currently shaking up the Accessibility scene as an independent Accessibility Consultant.

By this, I mean I help your business to identify how to make your physical spaces and online spaces more accessible for EVERYONE.

And I’m shaking it up because I’m doing it from a slightly different angle – yep, from the comfort of my wheelchair.

Oh yeah, I should have mentioned…I am Profoundly Deaf and have Ménière’s Disease.

(it can literally turn my whole world upside down ).

Plus, I have permanent Nerve and Muscle Damage and suffer from Chronic Pain (i.e. it really hurts).

So, I walk with a Crutch on a good day, or I bring my wheels on a lousy day…

In short, I am Disabled.

This newsletter is an opportunity for me to share my thoughts on what’s happening in the world of accessibility and how it affects all of us, not just those of us with disabilities.

Like what you’ve read so far? Please subscribe for a monthly email from me.

Subscribe to Dean Frank Reynolds' Newsletter

Monthly newsletter and musing all about the world of accessibility and disability - as told by a deaf + disabled accessibility consultant.